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Written Articles

November 21, 2024

Supplemental Needs Trust Distribution and Special Needs Housing Subsidies

Administering a supplemental need trust (SNT) for a beneficiary receiving federally subsidized housing can be extremely challenging. The first challenge is the highly technical vocabulary used by these programs. Federally subsidized housing includes traditional multifamily public housing (sometimes referred to as “housing projects”), the Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly and […]
December 20, 2023

What is Indiana’s PathWays for Aging?

The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration will start a new program on July 1, 2024, for Hoosiers 60 and older who receive Medicaid benefits called PathWays (excluding Healthy Indiana Plan Medicaid recipients). The stated goal of this program is to provide more services to seniors such as transportation to […]
September 25, 2023

Appealing a Notice of Discharge from Medicare Rehab Days

Pursuant to federal law, following a three-day (or longer) hospitalization, a patient may receive up to 100 days of rehabilitative care, but the reality is that most patients receive much less than the maximum 100 days. We understand that you have received a 48-hour notice, notifying you that Medicare’s rehabilitation […]
January 20, 2023

Managed Medicaid Moves to Indiana

Major changes are coming for 100,000 vulnerable Hoosiers as of April 1, 2024.  Hoosiers 60 and over who are in nursing homes or who are receiving waiver services in the home will be required to join a Managed Care Entity (MCE) to receive their Medicaid services.  Medicaid members will be […]
January 2, 2023

Eligible Hoosiers Can Now Open an ABLE Account — in Indiana (Updated January 1, 2023)

Eligible Hoosiers Can Now Open an ABLE Account — in Indiana (Updated January 1, 2023) Eligible Hoosiers can open an ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience account).  An “eligible” Hoosier is a person who develops a disability before the age of twenty-six (26).  The person must have had this disability […]
July 22, 2022

Medicaid Continuous Coverage Extended

*Update: Medicaid Continuous Coverage Extended July 15th, 2022* The US Department of Health and Human Services on July 15th, 2022 officially extended the “Public Health Emergency” (PHE) declaration through October 13, 2022. As we noted in our previous article, “Medicaid’s Day of Reckoning: Ending the Public Health Emergency” the extension […]
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